Our Vocation

Who we are
Born in the heart of Umbria over half a century ago, we passionately select quality extra virgin olive oils and we are recognised as the “Unfiltered specialists” by Italian consumers, thanks to products such as “Il Grezzo.” Today, we are the 4th brand on the Italian market and we export our oils to over 60 countries. But there is more behind these numbers.

Since 1968, in fact, “Land, People, Passion”
are our founding values. We express them with strong ties to the land, with respect for those who work in the supply chain every day, and with the enhancement of the “savoir-faire” typical of our people, with the dedication to olive growing and in particular to the production of the unfiltered oil.

Our Group
Since 2018, when we joined the Avril Group, these values have become even more solid and tangible. The importance that agriculture has for this group, founded in 1983 by an association of oilseed producers (FOP) and today 3rd ranking group in the world for the production of branded olive oil, is demonstrated by the fact that profits are totally reinvested in the agricultural production chain to create value for all its actors.
Avril’s raison d’être is “Serving the Earth”: the same Earth that is our first value, to be respected, defended, and for which we commit ourselves concretely in a path of sustainable development.

Together for the agricultural transition towards sustainability
With the Avril Group, we do not only share values but also concrete commitments to achieve the UN’s 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 2050 Carbon Neutrality.
Avril’s 6 commitments are: agriculture that respects the planet; protection of natural resources and biodiversity; local sectors development; investments’ impact; climate; and collective and inclusive project. Learn more about our Pillars